FiveThirtyEight did a story recently about how various cities’ public transit systems stack up compared to others across the U.S.
The story included a searchable table of urban areas throughout the country that were ranked by trips per resident. Gainesville ranked in the top 15 on that list, taking the No. 14 spot with 56.8 trips per resident based on a 2012 population estimate of 191,454 residents.
The ‘trips per resident’ measure was calculated by dividing the number of ‘unlinked trips’ for 2013 by 2012 population estimates. The National Transit Database compiles data on ‘unlinked trips,’ which count transfers people take during the same journey as individual trips instead of as the same trip.
Rounding out the top 15 was the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim (California) urban area with 54.9 trips per resident, although its population dwarfs Gainesville’s with a 2012 estimate totaling 12,365,477 people.
Unsurprisingly, New York City dominated in terms of public transit use with the NYC urban area ranking first on FiveThirtyEight’s table with 229.8 trips per resident. The San Francisco-Oakland (California) and Washington D.C. urban areas came in at No. 2 and No. 3, respectively.
Take a look at the data and read more about how different cities compared when it came to public transit use here.